
Nothing Ventured Productions was founded by three serial entrepreneurs with a lifelong love of theater and a spidey sense there were more like them. Alexandra Cavoulacos, Kathryn Minshew, and Christina Wallace first connected in the NY tech scene as early-stage founders looking to leverage technology to solve big problems. 

Over the next decade they grew their companies–collectively raising more than $60M in capital–published 3 books, and celebrated life’s milestones at Marie’s Crisis. Throughout, they bonded over their shared interest in supporting the performing arts and angel investing in startups. When they had the opportunity to combine both interests as investors, and then co-producers, of commercial theater on Broadway, they jumped at the chance.

NVP’s core thesis is that there is a rising generation of Broadway investors from the tech world and beyond who want to learn the ropes of this unique asset class. Borrowing frameworks from angel investing, like rollup vehicles, NVP is able to open up access and opportunity for accredited investors new to Broadway by pooling smaller checks than productions typically welcome. 

We build a diverse portfolio of projects each season with an eye toward both artistic and commercial success. Drop us a note if you’re interested in learning more about NVP.

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